Managed Security

ITSecure+™ Network Protection

Advanced Protection for Additional Peace of Mind

ITSecure+ is for clients who have more stringent security requirements, like HIPAA or PCI, or who want additional protection for increased peace of mind. ITSecure+ offers everything available in our basic security package plus 11 additional features for enhanced protection.

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We know that making IT decisions can be complicated. We’re here to help.

With hackers constantly combing the Internet for personal information and organized groups looking to literally hold your data hostage, you need a security plan that protects your data from every angle, and consistently adjusts for new threats. IT Solutions includes ITSecure™ with all our support plans to make sure your network is fully protected while not compromising your employees’ productivity in any way.

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ITSecure+ Features Include

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Advanced Web Content Filtering
All ITS SharedVision clients are protected from unwanted Internet intrusions by malicious content filtering. The ITSecure+ advanced filtering feature provides added controls with flexible, location-aware policies and an unlimited number of customized block or allow lists.

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E-mail Encryption and URL Protect
Integrated with the ITS anti-spam protection included in all SharedVision plans, our e-mail encryption offering protects valuable information easily and economically, and complies with privacy regulations. URL Protect shows an unmasked web address so that users can be confident that they’re going to the actual pages shown in the e-mail. For extra protection, page previews and scanning of attachments prior to inbox arrival can be enabled.

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Mobile Device Management
Create a protected container for company data separate from personal data, even on employee-owned mobile devices. Selectively wipe the container, protect against screenshots of sensitive data, and provide private messaging between employees.

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Phishing Training and Routine Testing
With 91% of successful data breaches started with a phishing attack, can you really afford not to train your users on how to avoid one? Our tools help you know which of your users are most vulnerable to clicking on malicious mail and train them to better avoid social engineering, spear phishing, and ransomware attacks.

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Mobile Device Management
Create a protected container for company data separate from personal data, even on employee-owned mobile devices. Selectively wipe the container, protect against screenshots of sensitive data, and provide private messaging between employees.

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Phishing Training and Routine Testing
With 91% of successful data breaches started with a phishing attack, can you really afford not to train your users on how to avoid one? Our tools help you know which of your users are most vulnerable to clicking on malicious mail and train them to better avoid social engineering, spear phishing, and ransomware attacks.

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Vulnerability & Risk Assessment
All ITS SharedVision clients are protected from unwanted Internet intrusions by malicious content filtering. The ITSecure+ advanced filtering feature provides added controls with flexible, location-aware policies and an unlimited number of customized block or allow lists.

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Message Archiving
Our solution offers a centralized repository of unstructured data for safe and long-term preservation or for compliance needs. Using multiple collection points, our archiving solution retains the original e-mail, detailed metadata, and a copy of the e-mail. We capture all inbound, outbound, and internal mail to allow instant searching by employees and administrators.

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Two-Factor Authentication for Remote Desktop Services and Virtual Private Networks
Protect network security made vulnerable by remote user access with our Two-Factor Authentication service. Similar to accessing your bank account via an ATM, 2FA requires users to create a PIN known only to them. The service generates one-time passwords that get combined with the PIN to allow safe log-ons every time – providing simple yet effective secure remote access with every session.

Icon Cyber
Cyber attacks are on the rise across the small/medium business landscape, with phishing and social engineering attacks now more frequent than web-based incidents. Companies report that such attacks are more sophisticated than those in the recent past.

Have questions?

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